True Legacy Family
The Crest

The Crest

Family crests a.k.a coats of arms are powerful family symbols passed down through generations. They were commonly used throughout the 11–17th centuries, and they can still be meaningful reminders for families past, present, and future.

The symbolism in the design of a family crest or coat of arms can tell you about your ancestors’ achievements and status in society—a real testament to a family’s legacy. Here’s everything you need to know to understand our family Crest/Coat of Arms. 

I.  Colors:

  • Gold represents generosity and intellect.
  • Red represents military might and magnanimity.
  • Black represents Consistency and strength.

II. The Crown:

  • Located at the very top of the design (between the two sword handles)
  • The Crown represents The Glory of God, power, legitimacy, victory, honor, and righteousness.

III. The White Diamond:

  • Located directly below the croun encased in gold decorative dword handle
  • The White Diamond is one of the hardest gemstones and it is the symbol for infinite love.

IV. The Swords:

  • The sword on the right represents protection and justice. Our unwavering desire to keep one another safe.
  • The sword on the left represents chivalry, giving respect to those we cover is just as important as covering them (which is why they are identical).
  • The large sword down the center represents God, who is at the center of our family. In whom everything is built around. The Crown (The Glory of God sits on its handle.

V. The Breastplate:

  • The large object located between the Lion and the Eagle.
  • Not to be mistaken for a shield, the breastplate represents righteousness and nobility. Ultimately the Lord is our Righteousness. No matter who/what rises up against us, we are covered and guarded against every weapon.

VI. The Dove:

  • Located in the upper left quadrant of the Breastplate.
  • The Dove represents Peace and Sanity. It is also a biblical symbolism of the Holy Spirit.

VII. Angels Wing:

  • Located in the upper right quadrant of the Breastplate.
  • Represents those that have gone on before us.

VIII. The Cross:

  • Located in the lower right quadrant of the Breastplate.
  • The Cross represents the Sacrifice that Christ made for the atonement of our sins. Without it, family unity is pointless.

IX. The Tree

  • Located in the lower left quadrant of the Breastplate.
  • The Tree represents our lineage, heritage and legacy.

X. The Lion:

  • The Large Animal located on the left side of the Breastplate.
  • Symbolizes courage, stateliness, and valor. it also doubles as a metaphor of the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Jesus). He holds us together.

XI. The Eagle:

  • The large animal located on the right side of the Breastplate.
  • The Eagle represents vision, majesty and grace. It too holds us together.


  • Located in the red ribbon below the lion, eagle, and breastplate.
  • This Latin Phrase Translates to “God protects this family” in English


  • In the Clear Ribbon at the very bottom of the Crest/Coat of Arms.
  • This is what we strive for as a family unit. To lead and inspire our children to be greater than us while instilling in them the same drive our elders instilled in us.